Welcome To Our Neighborhood
Welcome New Neighbor!
We are so happy you chose to move to North Brandon Ridge, a part of North Brandon Estates. Here are a few things to help you settle in your new home.
The amenities in North Brandon Ridge are located on Ridgeside Drive. Homeowners have access to the 30-acre lake with the dock and boat launch as well as a park with walking trails and play area. To obtain a lake access card fill out the form located on the FAQ page and mail it in to:
North Brandon Ridge HOA
P O Box 2027
Brandon MS 39043
P O Box 2027
Brandon MS 39043
Please register your property using the NorthBrandonRidge.com website. You are responsible for maintaining your contact information with the HOA. All invoices and information about your account will be accessible thru the website. Please don’t register your property more than once.
All covenants and bylaws are on the website. We encourage you to read them!
All important updates on meetings and assessments are posted on the homepage of website.
Assessments are due every June 1.
Natural gas is provided by:
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
P.O. Box 4981
Houston, Texas 77210-4981
Customer Service: (800) 371-5417
Report a Gas Leak: (888) 876-5417
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.
P.O. Box 4981
Houston, Texas 77210-4981
Customer Service: (800) 371-5417
Report a Gas Leak: (888) 876-5417
Trash pickup is provided by:
Rankin County Waste Management Fund
Rankin County Courthouse Annex
211 E Government St.
Brandon, MS 39042
(601) 825-9213
Rankin County Waste Management Fund
Rankin County Courthouse Annex
211 E Government St.
Brandon, MS 39042
(601) 825-9213
Trash pickup is Tuesday and Friday.
Please put your garbage cans out the night before and retrieve them after pickup.
All mailboxes must comply with covenant Section 6.39 which requires mailboxes be constructed with brick, stone, or wrought iron. The HOA does consider cast aluminum mailboxes to be an acceptable option. While you may purchase your mailbox anywhere, you may obtain mailboxes (including the Ashley Park mailbox) at:

Ashley Park Mailbox